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Socialism is a social and political ideology differing somewhat from [[Communism]]. [[Communism]] would be a subset of Socialism. Socialism accepts that there be a central government, unlike [[Communism]]. In fact, Socialist States tend to have exceptionally large central governments due to the fact that all means of production are owned by that government. All individuals are still equal, like with [[Communism]]. As socialism is a bit softer than [[Communism]] and it is easier to transition from a republic or democracy to socialism. ==Speech Relevance== Reagan speaks much more of socialism than [[Communism]] in both '[[A Time For Choosing]]' and '[[Encroaching Control]]'. Socialists were around and tolerated (ex. [[Norman Thomas]] ran six times for President for the Socialist Party of America), unlike their [[communism|communist]] counterparts. Through these speeches, Reagan presents evidence to the people that we are being slowly led away from a republican form of government (which was given to us by the Founders) to a socialist one. Government-run medical care. Government-run education. Government-controlled agriculture. Social Security. ==Source Links == [|Socialism ''(Wikipedia)''] [|The Difference between Communism and Socialism] [|Communism vs Socialism] ==Some Available Texts== Additional information about Socialism is available in e-books which this Wiki's Administrator has restored and made available to purchase through Amazon. [|Socialism e-books, from ''Poor Richard's Print Shop'']
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