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Latin America
Latin America is the name given to the region of the world making up Central America, the islands of the Caribbean and South America. It is called Latin America due to the origin countries of the European settlers who primarily settled there, Spain and Portugal. == Speech Relevance == In '[[Encroaching Control]]' Reagan claims [[Vladimir Lenin|Lenin]] says: <BLOCKQUOTE>''"We will take [[Eastern Europe]], we will organize the hordes of Asia and we won't have to take the United States. We will surround it and that last bastion of capitalism will fall into our outstretched hand like overripe fruit." Well, they've taken Eastern Europe. They are organizing the hordes of Asia around the red colossus of [[China]] and today I'm sure many of us suspect we are being prepared for the bitter cup of capitulation in [[Laos]] that will be watered down only slightly by a few face-saving devices. [[Cuba]] is a Russian beach head 90 miles off our Florida coast and more telling that even that, 250,000 communist professional organizers are scattered up and down the length and breadth of Latin America.''</BLOCKQUOTE> It would not be a stretch to suggest that these communist organizers had a hand in educating the likes of [[Fidel Castro]] and Ernesto 'Che' Guevara in the middle of the century and their modern contemporaries like Hugo Chavez in Venezuela, Dilma Rousseff in Brazil or Evo Morales in Bolivia. == Source Links == [|Latin America ''(Wikipedia)'']
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